I'm having a few issues when attempting to make the switch from extjs 4.0.7 to 4.1.1.
The first issue is as follow:
I have two treepanels which are within a column layout. One right next to the other. My app loads a bunch of nodes into the left panel, and then you can optionally move some of them to the other panel. However, the panel with all the nodes is not showing a scrollbar, and thus I can't see about 1/3 of the nodes all of a sudden. I had a semi-similar issue in 4.0.7 where I couldnt see the last node moved if the panel was full until I moved another node. I fixed that with the following lines:
These lines are deprecated in 4.1.1, and the problem seems to have become worse. Has anyone had a similar issue, and how do I get my scroll bar back.
A second major issue related to my UI:
I have two grids right next to each other elsewhere, layed out similarly to the treepanels. I've set up drag and drop between the two grids. Again all the nodes start in the left grid, with the option to drag some into the right grid. However, the right grid is now not showing at full size, it is defaulting to a sliver. So, the DD functionality is still there, if you know to drag the node to that little sliver. Afterwards, the sliver expands enough to hold the single node and so on. So, how do I get it back to defaulting full size. Why had extjs 4.1.1 caused these issues? I'd have to fat finger in any code, but can if absolutely neccessary. However, if anyone is familiar with this type of issue based on my description, that would be great.
Edit: Also, I have a combobox in the right-most column of the grids. When I click to change one of the comboboxes, a mini scrollbar thing pops up that sort of blocks the dropdown button. What have they done to this version?
Here is the layout definition where I have the first problem where the scrollbar doesn't show up on the panel when it needs to:
xtype: 'panel',
title: 'Select fields',
defaults: {
border: false,
height: '100%'
layout: 'column',
items: [
xtype: 'treepanel',
itemID: 'choicesTreePanel',
title: 'Choose from below fields',
height: '100%',
multiSelect: true,
store: choicesTree,
rootVisible: false,
columnWidth: .44},
xtype: 'panel',
columnWidth: .06,
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'center'
defaults: {
margins: "15 0 0 0"
items: [
xtype: 'button',
text: '==>'},
xtype: 'button',
text: '<=='},
xtype: 'button',
text: 'RST'}
xtype: 'treepanel',
itemId: 'chosenTreePanel',
title: 'Fields',
border: true,
store: chosenFields,
rootVisible: false,
columnWidth: .44,
viewConfig: {
plugins: {
ptype: 'treeviewdragdrop,
dragginggggg '
ddGroup: '
fieldsDD '
panel ',
vbox ',
center '
items: [
xtype: '
button ',
text: '
UP '},
xtype: '
button ',
text: '
Edit: on the left panel, if I make height a set value, and autoscroll true, I have a scrollbar. If I set height '100%' and autoscroll true, there is no scroll bar. So a solution might be to find out how to have the panel fit the height of the parent, while maintaining the scrollbar
Although you are looking for a percentage based height solution, you can also use a constant value height. In many cases this will avoid your problem. For example, set the panels to 600 height, that should fix the scroller issue.
This does not solve your issue in percentage based layouts. Hopefully someone else can provide help with that.