I want to use SpringBoardservice.Framework but TheOs seems to be unknown of it.who can help me???
To use the SpringBoardServices.framework you have to dump it yourself using either class-dump or class-dump-z (Preferred) class-dump-z can be installed from Cydia by adding the repo:
Then you would have to install Mobile Terminal (From Cydia) and run
class-dump-z -H /System/Library/Frameworks/SomeFramework/SomeFrameworkBinary -O /var/mobile/somefolder
To get the headers in var/mobile/somefolder
Anyways you could always use rpetrich's dumped headers (Which I personally as a Cydia dev myself use) Here's the link https://github.com/rpetrich/iphoneheaders
Then you would have to put all the framework header folders in /var/theos/include (Wherever your theos folder is, in my case on my device therefore var/theos/include)
After that you have to add the line
#import <SomeFramework/SomeFramework.h>
in your tweak.xm / tweak.mm. Happy coding!