I have this problem, and I can't figure it out whats is wrong. I have searched on all over the internet, but without success.
So, I have to send an object over sockets in Java, and I can't figure out how to do it. I tried so many ways. I serialized the object, I tried to write the object directly. But nothing seems to work.
The detail is that I have a chat running in parallel. And sometimes when i open an ObjectOutputStream, or ObjectInputStream, I get busted in a deadlock. And I guess you guys could help me.
Its a hangman game where the clients connects to the server, and the server should send a random word, which is a object, to clients.
socketConexao = socketRecepcao.accept();
toClient = new DataOutputStream(socketConexao.getOutputStream());
fromClient = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socketConexao.getInputStream()));
//starts the chat
Thread chat = new Thread(this);
}catch(IOException e){}
//i dont really know how to send the object
byte[] bytes = serialize(palavraSorteada);
} catch (IOException e){
socketCliente = new Socket(ip, port);
toServer = new DataOutputStream(socketCliente.getOutputStream());
fromServer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socketCliente.getInputStream()));
// starts the chat
Thread chat = new Thread(this);
}catch(IOException e){System.exit (0);}
// and dont really know how to receive the object
ObjectInputStream os = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
palavraSorteada = (Palavra) os.readObject();
}catch(Exception e){
It should be fairly obvious what wrong here (from your description): You use one communication channel to send two different kinds of data. Since the receiving end can not predict what its going to receive you need to add information what comming next, so the receiving end knows what to do.
And probably noone is going to the trouble to figure out what your code fragments are really doing, reduce the fluff to what you want to ask about or even better make a one class copy&pasteable runnable example (as short as possible) that demonstrates the issue.