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Qt - How to Transfer QListView Items to another QListView?

I have a QLineEdit, 2 QPush buttons (Add & Remove Buttons) and a QListView. The Text which i am entering in the QLineEdit will gets added in the QListView when the add button is clicked. And if I'm selecting any one of the Item from the QListView and click the Remove Button the selected item will be removed. I finished these things and it works fine. Now i want to add a another QListView and if am Double clicking the QListView Items (QListView 1) the items should be transfered (items in the QListView 1 should be removed completely) to the new QListView (QListView 2) and vice versa. plz help me with your suggestions. Thanks in Advance.


  • Example.h

    class Example : public QWidget
        explicit Example(QWidget *parent = 0);
    private slots:
         void on_listView_doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &index);
         void on_listView_2_doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &index);
        QStandardItemModel *model;  // This model is used when the add button is clicked.
        QStandardItemModel *listViewModel;


    void Example::on_listView_doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &index)
        QStandardItem *Item1;
        Items1 = new QStandardItem();
        Items1->setData(ui->listView->currentIndex().data(), Qt::DisplayRole );
        Items1->setEditable( false );
        listViewModel->appendRow( Items1 );
        listViewModel->sort( 0, Qt::AscendingOrder );
        ui->listView_2->setModel( listViewModel );
        model->removeRow( ui->listView->currentIndex().row() );
    void Example::on_listView_2_doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &index)
        QStandardItem *Items2;
        Items2 = new QStandardItem();
        Items2->setData( ui->listView_2->currentIndex().data(), Qt::DisplayRole );
        Items2->setEditable( false);
        model->appendRow( Items2 );
        model->sort( 0,Qt::AscendingOrder );
        ui->listView->setModel( model );
        model->removeRow( ui->listView_2->currentIndex().row() );