Here are my sample classes:
public abstract class AbstractAgent {
public void count(List<Movie> movies) {
protected abstract void sum(List<Movie> movies);
public class DefaultAgent extends AbstractAgent {
protected void sum(List<Movie> movies) {
Aspect definition:
public class DaoObserver {
public void withinBroker() {
public void alertBroker(JoinPoint jp) {
System.out.println("Cached broker execution of {"
+ jp.getSignature().toShortString() + "}");
I found the instance of DefaultAgent was not proxied!
Tried the line as below:
Proposed I could find something like 'DefaultAgent$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$ae10cb14', but still 'DefaultAgent'.
Then I found it will work if I add one public method to class 'DefaultAgent'.
Dig further I found the root cause is in aspectj weaver:
protected FuzzyBoolean matchInternal(Shadow shadow) {
ResolvedType enclosingType = shadow.getIWorld().resolve(shadow.getEnclosingType(), true);
if (enclosingType.isMissing()) {
shadow.getIWorld().getLint().cantFindType.signal(new String[] { WeaverMessages.format(
WeaverMessages.CANT_FIND_TYPE_WITHINPCD, shadow.getEnclosingType().getName()) }, shadow.getSourceLocation(),
new ISourceLocation[] { getSourceLocation() });
return annotationTypePattern.matches(enclosingType); **<--- AbstractAgent**
Is it a bug of aspectj weaver? How can I solve it since I have many concrete sub-classes in real biz and it's a standard implementation of pattern 'Template'.
Without having analysed the problem (I use AJ without Spring usually) and not having much time, I suggest you ask your question on the AJ users mailing list. The guys there are really competent and will probably find out if it is a bug. If you are pretty sure it is one, open a Bugzilla ticket.