I'm struggling with the syntax for this user script I'm trying to write, which should basically follow this logic:
IF (LeftArrowKeyIsPressed) THEN doSomething; ELSE IF (RightArrowKeyIsPressed) THEN doSomethingElse; ELSE IF (any other key pressed) THEN doNothing;
Can someone help me out with the code syntax for structuring the check for the keypress? Assume an onkeydown
event is being used.
Add an event listener, probably to the window, using addEventListener
. Then switch off the Event.which
value to do what you want.
Here's the code. See it in action at jsFiddle.:
/*--- Get or set the codes for the arrow keys.
Firefox gives us nice constants, Chrome does not.
KeyEvent = (typeof KeyEvent === "object") ? KeyEvent : [];
const LEFT_KEY = KeyEvent.DOM_VK_LEFT || 37;
const RIGHT_KEY = KeyEvent.DOM_VK_RIGHT || 39;
window.addEventListener ("keydown", keyboardHandler, false);
function keyboardHandler (zEvent) {
var bBlockDefaultAction = false;
//--- Assume we want only the plain keys, not the modified versions.
if (zEvent.altKey || zEvent.ctrlKey || zEvent.shiftKey) {
//-- Do nothing (most user-friendly option, in most cases).
else {
if (zEvent.which == LEFT_KEY) {
bBlockDefaultAction = true;
else if (zEvent.which == RIGHT_KEY) {
bBlockDefaultAction = true;
if (bBlockDefaultAction) {
zEvent.preventDefault ();
zEvent.stopPropagation ();
This code works on userscripts-applicable browsers (not IE). The jQuery version is the same except change the addEventListener
line to:
$(window).keydown (keyboardHandler);