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UserScript to take actions based on Key Press?

I'm struggling with the syntax for this user script I'm trying to write, which should basically follow this logic:

IF (LeftArrowKeyIsPressed) THEN doSomething;
ELSE IF (RightArrowKeyIsPressed) THEN doSomethingElse;
ELSE IF (any other key pressed) THEN doNothing;

Can someone help me out with the code syntax for structuring the check for the keypress? Assume an onkeydown event is being used.


  • Add an event listener, probably to the window, using addEventListener. Then switch off the Event.which value to do what you want.

    Here's the code. See it in action at jsFiddle.:

    /*--- Get or set the codes for the arrow keys.
        Firefox gives us nice constants, Chrome does not.
    KeyEvent        = (typeof KeyEvent === "object")  ?  KeyEvent  :  [];
    const LEFT_KEY  = KeyEvent.DOM_VK_LEFT   ||  37;
    const RIGHT_KEY = KeyEvent.DOM_VK_RIGHT  ||  39;
    window.addEventListener ("keydown", keyboardHandler, false);
    function keyboardHandler (zEvent) {
        var bBlockDefaultAction = false;
        //--- Assume we want only the plain keys, not the modified versions.
        if (zEvent.altKey  ||  zEvent.ctrlKey  ||  zEvent.shiftKey) {
            //-- Do nothing (most user-friendly option, in most cases).
        else {
            if (zEvent.which == LEFT_KEY) {
                //DO LEFT KEY ACTION HERE.
                bBlockDefaultAction = true;
            else if (zEvent.which == RIGHT_KEY) {
                //DO RIGHT KEY ACTION HERE.
                bBlockDefaultAction = true;
        if (bBlockDefaultAction) {
            zEvent.preventDefault ();
            zEvent.stopPropagation ();

    This code works on userscripts-applicable browsers (not IE). The jQuery version is the same except change the addEventListener line to:

    $(window).keydown (keyboardHandler);