Given multiple unpushed git
commits, is it possible to git-svn dcommit
only one of those commits?
e.g. I have commit foo, bar, and baz, but right now I only want to have bar end up in the svn repo. Is this possible?
I have one sort of crusty answer. You can create a new branch with out foo, bar, and baz in it and then cherry-pick
bar to the new branch and then git-svn dcommit
that branch and remove it when you're done. That doesn't seem very elegant though.
So assuming foo, bar, and baz are in branch x and master doesn't have any of them.
git branch y master
git checkout y
git cherry-pick <sha1 of bar>
git svn dcommit
git checkout x
git svn rebase
git branch -d y
If master does have these commits you can reset the head as Sizzler suggests.