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How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution?
I have some applications in IPhone.Now i want them to be compatible to IPhone5.Somewhere i read that i need to change the splash screen to 4 inch.Shall i need to change this in all my xibs,or splash only.Currently i am using xcode4.2.i am getting IPhone5 simulator,is that enough or i need to install any later version to get the correct simulator.Where from i will get the latest simulator of IPhone5. Can anybody help me with the exact steps for acheving this transition?
You definitely need to install XCode 4.5, and to create a new splash image for the 4-inch screen, called Default-568h@2x.png
You shouldn't change the size of your xibs, because you'll want your app to work on both old and new phones. However, you may want to change the autoresizing masks of some of the views in your xibs so that they stretch to fill the larger screen.