I have a tilemap with 960*640 pixels using 64*64 tiles for hd retina display. Now, I need a tilemap for sd display.(I guess that it should be 480*320 pixels using 32*32 tiles)
So, is there easy way to go?
Finding tools like 'Unretiner' in Mac app store.
'hd img -> sd img' by Unretiner
'hd tmx -> sd tmx' by ??
thank u.
Here is a Python script I used to generate sd .tmx from hd .tmx. You can use it by following shell command.
>python change_tmx_numbers.py <directory_which_contains_hd_tmx_files> <output_directory>
The script:
import os
import shutil
import sys
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
import re
def npath(path):
if path[-1] == '/':
return path[:-1]
return path;
def subdir(*paths):
return '/'.join(paths)
def changeText(text):
print text
pointm = '\{(?P<x>-?\d+), (?P<y>-?\d+)\}'
framem = '\{\{(?P<x>-?\d+), (?P<y>-?\d+)\}, \{(?P<width>\d+), (?P<height>\d+)\}\}'
m = re.match(pointm, text)
if m != None:
rt = '{%d, %d}' % tuple([int(f) / 2 for f in m.groups()])
print 'change %s -> %s' % (text, rt)
return rt
m = re.match(framem, text)
if m != None:
rt = '{{%d, %d}, {%d, %d}}' % tuple([int(f) / 2 for f in m.groups()])
print 'change %s -> %s' % (text, rt)
return rt
print 'text: \"' + text + '\" is not matched'
return text
def resizeElement(element):
elems = list(element)
if(len(elems) == 0 and element.text != None):
element.text = changeText(element.text)
for el in elems:
def resizeAttToHalf(attrib, keys):
for key in keys:
if key in attrib:
attrib[key] = str(int(attrib[key]) / 2)
return attrib
def resizeMap(map):
map.attrib = resizeAttToHalf(map.attrib, ['tilewidth', 'tileheight'])
def resizeImage(im):
im.attrib = resizeAttToHalf(im.attrib, ['width', 'height'])
im.attrib['source'] = im.attrib['source'].replace('-hd', '')
def resizeTileset(ts):
ts.attrib = resizeAttToHalf(ts.attrib, ['tilewidth', 'tileheight'])
for image in ts.findall('image'):
def resizeProperty(prop):
if 'name' in prop.attrib and prop.attrib['name'] == 'points':
points = prop.attrib['value'].split(' ')
nps = [','.join([str(int(p.split(',')[0])/2), str(int(p.split(',')[1])/2)]) for p in points]
prop.attrib['value'] = ' '.join(nps)
def resizePolygon(prop):
points = prop.attrib['points'].split(' ')
nps = [','.join([str(int(p.split(',')[0])/2), str(int(p.split(',')[1])/2)]) for p in points]
prop.attrib['points'] = ' '.join(nps)
def resizeObject(obj):
obj.attrib = resizeAttToHalf(obj.attrib, ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height'])
for props in obj.findall('properties'):
for prop in props.findall('property'):
for poly in obj.findall('polygon'):
def resizeplist(plist, dest):
doc = ET.parse(plist)
map = doc.getroot()
for tileset in map.findall('tileset'):
for objectg in map.findall('objectgroup'):
for obj in objectg.findall('object'):
destf = open(dest, 'w')
prologue = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">\n'
def walkdir(path, dest):
files = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if not os.path.isdir(subdir(path, f))]
dirs = [d for d in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(subdir(path, d))]
for f in files:
if (f.endswith('-hd.tmx')):
resizeplist(subdir(path, f), subdir(path, f.replace('-hd', '')))
# for d in dirs:
# walkdir(subdir(path, d), subdir(dest, d))
if __name__ == "__main__":
path = npath(sys.argv[1])
dest = npath(sys.argv[2])
walkdir(path, dest)