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Exception not passing IOError: [Errno 2]

I have a simple game I'm working on in py 2.7 that uses pickle to read and write save files.

I'm self-taught, and I just started learning like a week ago. I usually can find solutions to my problems online, but this one is taking way too long for what it would accomplish, so I'm asking for a little help.

The problem is that I have this try/except

        f = file("VTSave2.pkl", "rb")
            game = load(f)
            print "Game has been loaded from save 2."
        except IOError:

in a save-reading thing. VTSave2.pkl does not currently exist- I'm using this fact to test the try/except.

While I do get the appropriate error, [Errno 2], the IOError passer doesn't do squat. Instead of "load cancelled" I get a quit program and a traceback.

Am I making any dumb mistakes? Anything I should know? Any more information I should give? Thanks a bunch for your time!

Edit: Thank you! It works now. Since I've had someone try to "correct" the formatting of the code, and it ended up breaking my prog when I adopted it, I've taken out all code no longer relevant to the question to try to avoid baiting erroneous cleanup. Thank you!

proper working code:

        f = open("VTSave2.pkl", "rb")
        game = load(f)
        print "Game has been loaded from save 2."
    except IOError:


  • This is raising the exception

    f = file("VTSave2.pkl", "rb")

    you need to move it after the try:

    If you read the traceback carefully, you should see that the exception is raised at that line number

    Aside: file() is deprecated. You should use f = open("VTSave2.pkl", "rb").