The Google Maps [MarkerManager][1] has a function to get a marker at a location:
getMarker(lat:Number, lng:Number, zoom:Number)
with this description:
Returns a marker given latitude, longitude and zoom. If the marker does not exist, the method will return a new marker. If a new marker is created, it will NOT be added to the manager.
However, the standard GMarker constructor takes a set of MarkerOptions:
GMarker(latlng:GLatLng, opts?:GMarkerOptions)
Is there a way to set the MarkerOptions on a new marker created by getMarker()?
Unfortunately, it looks like the GMarkerOptions can only be set when a GMarker is constructed.
I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish, but it would probably be best to simply build your own GMarker whenever the getMarker()
function returns a new marker.