I have the following code:
Dim DumpXlApp As Excel.Application = New Excel.Application
Dim DumpWkBk As Excel.Workbook
DumpWkBk = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.BindToMoniker(FilePath)
DumpXlApp = DumpWkBk.Parent
DumpXlApp.Visible = True
I can't get the DumpWkBk workbook to become visible. Is the issue DumpXlApp = DumpWkBk.Parent
line? I don't think it is the BindToMoniker line because I can do things with DumpWkBk.
I have seen that when BindToMoniker is used in Excel, often the window ends up being hidden. The workbook is still open and accessible to code, it just does not appear in the user interface.
Try also calling this after your other code:
DumpXlApp.Windows(DumpWkBk.Name).visible = true