I just want to reference a resource dictionary in a referenced assembly.
Assembly name: ResourceTest.Content
Resource Dictionary Path: ./Dictionary2.xaml
This was working on SL3 Beta 1:
<ResourceDictionary Source="ResourceTest.Content;component/Dictionary2.xaml" />
I tried this in Blend 3+Sketchflow and this works (at design time):
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/ResourceTest.Content;component/Dictionary2.xaml" />
But, either way, when I run from Visual Studio, I get the following error:
Attribute ResourceTest.Content;component/Dictionary2.xaml value is out of range. [Line: 10 Position: 44]
Attribute pack://application:,,,/ResourceTest.Content;component/Dictionary2.xaml value is out of range. [Line: 11 Position: 44]
Try adding a / before your Assembly name:
This should work ...