I'm using this code (inspired by an other question on here) :
- (void)showProgressIndicator {
if (statusItem) {
NSView *progressIndicatorHolder = [[NSView alloc] init];
NSProgressIndicator *progressIndicator = [[NSProgressIndicator alloc] init];
[progressIndicator setBezeled: NO];
[progressIndicator setStyle: NSProgressIndicatorSpinningStyle];
[progressIndicator setControlSize: NSSmallControlSize];
[progressIndicator sizeToFit];
[progressIndicator setUsesThreadedAnimation:YES];
[progressIndicatorHolder addSubview:progressIndicator];
[progressIndicator startAnimation:self];
[statusItem setView:progressIndicatorHolder];
[progressIndicator setNextResponder:progressIndicatorHolder];
[progressIndicatorHolder setNextResponder:statusItem];
Unfortunately, as soon as this code runs the status item (which is initially showing an image) disappears... Why doesn't my code work?
You probably need to explicitly set the frame
on progressIndicatorHolder
then center progressIndicator
within its superview, e.g.:
CGRect holderRect = progressIndicatorHolder.bounds;
CGRect indicatorRect = progressIndicatorHolder.frame;
indicatorRect.origin.x = (holderRect.size.width - indicatorRect.size.width)/2.0f;
indicatorRect.origin.y = (holderRect.size.height - indicatorRect.size.height)/2.0f;
progressIndicator.frame = indicatorRect;
As an alternative, if you find that you want to do more sophisticated layout, you could load the NSStatusItem
's view from a nib.