Search code examples

RX throttle on WinRT TemplatedControl

I have some problems with thread synchronization in my Templated control (trying to do a AutoComplete control)

Inside my control I have this code:

protected override void OnApplyTemplate()

        var searchTextBox = GetTemplateChild("SearchTextBox") as TextBox;
        if (searchTextBox != null)
            var searchDelegate = SearchAsync;

            Observable.FromEventPattern(searchTextBox, "TextChanged")
                .Select(keyup => searchTextBox.Text)
                .Subscribe(async results => await RunOnDispatcher(() =>
                                                                          IsInProgress = false;
                                                                          foreach (var result in results)

And it is complaining that inside my ShowProgressBar method I'm trying to access code that was marshalled by another thread.

If I comment out the Throttle and the ObserveOn(Dispatcher) it works just fine, but it does not throttle my service calls as I want to.

If I only comment out the Throttle part, Nothing happens at all.


  • Asti's got the right idea, but a far better approach would be to provide the IScheduler argument to Throttle instead:

    // NB: Too lazy to look up real name 
    .Throttle(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500), CoreDispatcherScheduler.Instance) 

    This will make operations below it happen on the UI thread (including your ShowProgressBar), up until the SelectMany.