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Richfaces: limit rich:comboBox to values of the value list

I've got the following simple comboBox in my page.

<rich:comboBox value="#{}"
  <f:selectItems value="#{
  }" />

It works marvellously, but sadly it allows input of values that are not part of the suggestionList (which makes sense, as I enabled direct text input.

I want direct text input enabled, so that the user can use the suggestion list to quick filter (from a huge group list which can comprise several 100 groups).

At the same time i don't want the user to enter a value that is not in the list. The current approach checks when the user saves the whole form. Is there any way to limit it earlier?

I tried to do it using a javascript onblur= handler, but i can't find the place where the selectItem list is saved in the dom.


  • You can access the comboBox list in javascript by using




    and then use jQuery.inArray() to verify if the item is in the list.