i am using this simple example from GChart
public void displayGChart(final ArrayList<ResultDTO> result){
GChart c = new GChart();
c.setChartTitle("<b>x<sup>2</sup> vs x</b>");
c. setChartSize(150, 150);
c. addCurve();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
c. getCurve().addPoint(i,i*i);
c. getXAxis().setAxisLabel("x");
c. getYAxis().setAxisLabel("x<sup>2</sup>");
verticalPanel.add(new Label("test"));
when i run the application ,I got NO errors , and i can see this "test" on my browser but nothing else , no chart is appearing..
i have added the jar and
<inherits name='com.googlecode.gchart.GChart' />
Any Idea what could be the reason
Please call c.update(); after adding the chart to the panel, like this:
verticalPanel.add(new Label("test"));
This is also described here: http://clientsidegchart.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/javadoc/com/googlecode/gchart/client/package-summary.html:
No charts? These examples only define the chart. To actually display it, you must add and update it:
// Use this typical GChart boilerplate to test out these examples:
GChart gchart = new GChartExample00();