I have a table that contains input cells for quantities. I cannot change the default size of TextInputCellCustom even if I already set the column width.
Is there a way to resize the TextInputCellCustom? Maybe through css but I can't figure out how.
my code is something like this:
private Column<PpmpItem, String> getQ1QuantityColumn() {
if (q1QuantityColumn == null) {
final TextInputCellCustom inputCell = new TextInputCellCustom();
q1QuantityColumn = new Column<PpmpItem, String>(inputCell) {
public String getValue(PpmpItem object) {
return Integer.toString(object.getQ1Qty());
FieldUpdater<PpmpItem, String> fieldUpdater = new QuantityFieldUpdater(1);
return q1QuantityColumn;
Add this style to your table:
.myTable td input {
width: 100%;