I've been searching the web for a solution for a while now & just can't seem to get it with what i've found online. I've exported my phpMyAdmin database & uploaded it to my Linode so its now there ( /home/user_name/public/www.sitename.com/public/phpmyadmindatabase.sql )
So now in the terminal i'm entering the following:
mysql -u root -pMyPassword database_name < ~/public/sitename.com/public/phpmyadmindatabase.sql
and I get the following:
ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'database_name'
Now I'm wondering if i need to create 'database_name' first, but I'm following Linode's own start up guides:
and they say right at the section "Creating a Database"...(If you already have a database you'd like to import...skip to "importing a database"). So i have been assuming i shouldn't be creating a database since it told me to skip it.
Any & all help would be greatly appreciated...
Stupid mistake...just needed to create the new DB manually or make sure phpmyadmin is creating the DB in mysql when its added to the Linode.
On another note - Linode has pretty great customer support (guess that would be the first place to go).