I have some financial data that I am processing in C++. I am storing it in a simple binary format because it requires fewer resources and is fast, however I would like to add compression to the file. I am guessing I will be IO bound so the compression won't cost me much in terms of processing speed.
I have no idea how to do the compression, as I am an academic and not a real programmer. I could really use some hand holding on this one.
I have my data in a structure like this:
struct TradesBin {
int ttim;
int prc;
int siz;
short int g127;
short int corr;
char cond[2];
char ex[1];
Which I can write to a binary file as follows:
ofstream fout(outfile.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary);
fout.write((char *) &tbin, sizeof(TradesBin));
Where tbin is filled with TradesBin data.
How do I now add compression to these files? I have heard only vaguely of things like ZLO, Bzip2, zlib, and Boost.IOStreams. I much appreciate your guidance and suggestions!
Thank you!
Zlib allows you to do this, but it is provides only a plain C interface. In a nutshell, you do
gzFile fp = gzopen(fname.c_str(),"wb");
gzwrite(fp, (void*) (&vec[0]), sizeof(TradesBin)*nelem);
where vec
would be for example a std::vector<TradesBin>
for your TradesBin