I followed the instructions in this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/12397309/1084932 to update my app for the new iPhone 5 screen size. Great, worked perfectly!
But, I am not quite ready to make this update and wish to roll back to the letterbox setup for now. I tried deleting Default-568h@2x.png to see if that would work, but my app still fills up the full iPhone 5 screen even without the Default-568h@2x.png file.
Anyone know how to undo the auto resizing for iPhone 5 after adding Default-568h@2x.png?
[EDIT] I have not tired with an iPhone 5 device, but my question is specifically with the simulator.
Try doing Product --> Clean
in Xcode
And delete the app from the phone and build again.
Sometimes the Default.png image gets cached