I have a simple question: How can I use Count(Distinct) in SQL (Oracle to be exact) to return only the rows where there are two or more different values in a given field.
This is easier understood by example:
123 Abc
123 Abc
246 Abc
246 Def
246 Def
369 Hij
456 Abc
456 Def
In this example, the only Accounts with 2 different sales reps would be 246 and 456, and thus, I'd want the query's result to just show the the accounts shared by 2 or more salesmen:
246 Abc
246 Def
456 Abc
456 Def
use having
select distinct account,salesman
from MyTable where account in
select account
from MyTable
group by account
having count(distinct salesman) >= 2
order by 1,2
Here is a demonstration.