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Error Upload TestFlight : Invalid IPA / dSYM not found

This shown on TestFlight web after uploaded.

"Invalid IPA: Couldn't find executable specified in Info.plist - check the value of your CFBundleExecutable key."

while on Testflight desktop application, shows dSYM not found, hence couldn't upload.

this issue suddenly appear after I upgraded XCode 4.5 with ios6.

anyone has experienced before, kindly share, and any solutions would be appreciate. thanks in advance.


  • I had the same problem, but I've solved it. It has to do with your architecture settings. In your target and project build settings all of your build settings must be set with armv 7.

    In Target -> Build Settings:

    Architectures = Standard(armv7, armv7s) - $(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT) Valid Architectures = armv7 armv7s

    Likewise for your project build settings.

    Hope this helps.