I'm trying to use MKNetworkEngine but the headers talk about caching. This is totally bad for my app which needs to download currency exchange rate JSON files and caching is a no-go.
Is there a way to turn caching off for the whole MKNetworkEngine instance?
First things first: Are you really sure about your caching use case? Most of those stock providing web services set their Cache-Pragma/ETags headers to a reasonable value. If they do so, MKNetworkKit will do the right thing and will only respond to your code with a cache hit, if this is valid for your request.
Nontheless you can control the utilization of the cache via two methods. Right from MKNetworkEngine.h:
* @abstract Enqueues your operation into the shared queue.
* @discussion
* The operation you created is enqueued to the shared queue.
* When forceReload is NO, this method behaves like enqueueOperation:
* When forceReload is YES, No cached data will be returned even if cached data is available.
* @seealso
* enqueueOperation:
-(void) enqueueOperation:(MKNetworkOperation*) operation forceReload:(BOOL) forceReload;
Calling enqeueOperation:forceReload:
with forceReload set to YES
will do the trick. Like so:
-(MKNetworkOperation *)myNetworkOperation onCompletion:(MYComplectionBlock)completionBlock onError:(MKNKErrorBlock)errorBlock {
MKNetworkOperation *op = [self operationWithPath:kURLPath params:nil httpMethod:@"GET" ssl:NO];
[op onCompletion:^(MKNetworkOperation *completedOperation) {
// handle the response
} onError:^(NSError *error) {
[self enqueueOperation:op forceReload:YES];
return op;
Further more you can empty the cache explicitly (beware that means emptying the cache for all your requests) with a call to [self emptyCache]
just before [self enqueueOperation:op]
inside of your MKNetworkEngine
-(MKNetworkOperation *)myNetworkOperation onCompletion:(MYComplectionBlock)completionBlock onError:(MKNKErrorBlock)errorBlock {
MKNetworkOperation *op = [self operationWithPath:kURLPath params:nil httpMethod:@"GET" ssl:NO];
[op onCompletion:^(MKNetworkOperation *completedOperation) {
// handle the response
} onError:^(NSError *error) {
[self emptyCache];
[self enqueueOperation:op];
return op;