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Tile (Server) Mechanism for visualizing Data on the Web

I'm looking to build a simple application that allows the visualization of graphs on the web. Specifically my objective is to:

  1. Use Gephi to render a graph at various zoom levels
  2. I wish to then cut up these images into tiles
  3. I wish to the use a web component similar to what Google Maps uses or OpenLayers to stitch these layers together and allow the panning, zomming of the graph.

When thinking about this I figured this approach could be applied to any arbitrary data visualization where one wanted to visualize data at multiple zoom levels and the image rendering had to happen server side.

I would like to know if there are standard stack for implementing such an architecture (or even if the architecture I'm thinking of even makes sense).

Thanks in advance.


  • If you just want to create a graph visualization on the web with multiple zoom levels (as in Google Maps) you should take a look at the Seadragon Web Export plugin for Gephi:

    There's a nice example of a graph visualization in the Gephi Blog: