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how to change JTable Background Color default to white?

I have a JTable that I am displaying in a JScrollpane. The JTable only displays a few rows of information in its grid. The space below the grid to the bottom of the JPanel, that contains the JScrollpane, (Which in turn contains the JTable) is colored solid gray. I'd like to change that color to white. I tried setting the JTable's background color to white, [using the method setBackground(Color,WHITE) ] but that didn't work.

Can anyone tell me which method to use to change that gray to white?


  • depend of your code

    • JTable#setFillsViewportHeight(true);


    • JScrollPane#getViewport().setBackground(JTable#getBackground());

    or you can to fits JScrollPanes JViewport to the JTables view by

    • JTable#setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(JTable#getPreferredSize());