I know right now there is no such thing as inter-step transactionality in Spring-Batch. I'm developing a complex batch job, with many steps performing several actions in database, and each one is related with the others, in such way that each one of them belongs to the same transaction. The way I understand the Spring-Batch paradigm I'm bound to use one-step job in order to have transactionality. Is there any thought (or any other way) to have some kind of job-level transactionality in lately or future versions?
Edit1: I have found in this link, point 6.3.1, a way to concatenate several processors, but that doesn't fulfill my current needs.
Edit2:This other link suggests me the possibility of using an envelope class with "@Transactional" annotation that will invoke my job and, therefore, shall have an external transaction.
Finally I have found a way to do this. As said in the last edition you must invoke the job from a transactional method:
It's important set the propagation level to required in this level. And set the job level propagation to "mandatory", achieving with this the job and steps add their transactions to the current one. Nevertheless, as Michael Lange wrote, it's important to consider the potential volume size you are managing, in order to avoid out-of-the-limit commits or rollbacks.