I'm having a running system with integrated Tiles 2.1 and Spring MVC (with the help of Spring Roo) and want to set the menu item by a very simple bean, which returns a list of items:
public class TestMenu {
public ArrayList<String> getEntries() {
ArrayList<String> returner = new ArrayList<String>();
returner.add("MenuItem 1");
returner.add("MenuItem 2");
return returner;
My tiles configuration looks like that:
<definition name="empty" template="/WEB-INF/layouts/empty.jspx">
<put-attribute name="footer" value="/WEB-INF/views/empty/footer.jspx" />
<put-attribute name="menu" value="/WEB-INF/views/empty/menu.jspx" />
<put-attribute name="menuEntries">
<bean classtype="com.reservation.ui.TestMenu" />
And in my menu.jspx I intend to use the menuItems like following:
<tiles:useAttribute id="list" name="menuEntries" classname="com.reservation.ui.TestMenu" />
<c:forEach var="item" items="${list.Entries}">
<div class="item">
<div class="left">&nbsp;</div>
<div class="middle">${item}</div>
<div class="right">&nbsp;</div>
I haven't found any documentation or example, which does something similiar but I think that this should be a common use case.
Does somebody know an applicable solution?
OK, it goes like that:
The TestMenu class implements the ViewPreparer which implements the execute method and puts the requested MenuData as ListAttribute in Tiles.
public class TestMenu implements ViewPreparer {
public List<String> getMenuItems() {
ArrayList<String> returner = new ArrayList<String>();
returner.add("MenuItem 1");
returner.add("MenuItem 2");
return returner;
public void execute(TilesRequestContext tilesContext, AttributeContext attributeContext) throws PreparerException {
String selection = attributeContext.getAttribute("selection").getValue().toString();
ListAttribute listAttribute = new ListAttribute(this.getMenuItems());
attributeContext.putAttribute("menuItems", listAttribute, true);
Configuration and jspx-file stays the same.