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The column cannot contain null values. SqlCE exception

I'm getting the following exception when I attempt to insert some sample data into a SQL Server CE 3.5 database inside a WP7 application:

Error: SqlCeException "The column cannot contain null values.
[ Column name = Name,Table name = Exam ]

The name is also the primary key. I think I have declared everything properly in the DataContext.

        private void InsertData()
            mangoDb = new ExamDataContext();

            // create a new exam instance
            Exam exam = new Exam();
            exam.Name = "History";
            exam.Description ="History Exam";
            // add the new exam to the context
            // save changes to the database

Where have I gone wrong?


  • I solved the problem by deleting the index(es) of The Table. Not sure why it worked, but it certainly did, in case anyone else comes across this issue.