From this MSDN article it says that the connection string for connecting to the storage account must be HTTP and not HTTPS.
When I use this constructor:
public CloudDrive (
Uri uri,
StorageCredentials credentials
Does that mean the Uri to the page blob must also be HTTP and not HTTPS? I am a bit confused regarding which parameter (or both together) fits the 'connection string' description.
This scenario does not seem to be easily testable in dev emulator.
(think of as the server-portion of the connection string) to the page blob represents the namespace + container + blob of your storage account. The credentials
represent the user/pass which together with the URI
comprise the connection string to the Azure cloud storage service.
will always be HTTP assuming you are using the local emulator.
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount;
When deploying to Azure, the URI
scheme will be whatever you assign it in the service configuration (ServiceDefinition.csdef / ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg).
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.FromConfigurationSetting("CloudDrive.DataConnectionString");
You would just want to assign CloudDrive.DataConnectionString
to have DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http
(the default if omitted, but you could be explicit).
<!-- .... -->
<Setting name="CloudDrive.DataConnectionString" />
<Setting name="CloudDrive.DataConnectionString" value="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=YOURNAMESPACE;AccountKey=YOURKEY" />