Search code examples

"&" character in facebook sharer url

My site has urls like

$shareurl =  

So if i put this url in facebook and twitter sharer links appear like below

facebook sharer url:

<a target="_blank" href="<?php echo $shareurl;?>&picture=Picture.jpg&name=this is name&caption=this is caption&description=this is despcription.&redirect_uri=<?php echo APP_BASE_URL; ?>""> Share on Facebook </a>

& character into $sharerurl splits the facebook sharer url. The situation is same in Twitter.
How can i avoid from this condition by simplest way?


  • If you use this code you should be fine:

    <a target="_blank" href="<?php echo urlencode($shareurl);?>&picture=Picture.jpg&name=this is name&caption=this is caption&description=this is despcription.&redirect_uri=<?php echo APP_BASE_URL; ?>""> Share on Facebook </a>

    It turns the &s in the URL into %26, which Facebook & Twitter will read just fine without thinking that parts of URL are really parts of their URL.