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merge 2 local files

I have 2 local files that I need to merge. Neither is versioned in the git. Is there a linux command to merge files? I tried merge, but didn't get any useful output. The mergefile seemed to show that the entire first file was deleted and the second file is the whole output:

$ cat m1
hello there
my friend
how are you
$ cat m2
hello there
my chum
how are you
$ merge merge m1 m2
$ cat merge
<<<<<<< merge
hello there
my chum
how are you
>>>>>>> m2


to clarify, I am looking to create a git-style mergefile, showing differences between the files inline, rather than simply gluing 2 files together end to end (which doesn't work with code anyway)


  • If you do not mind using a graphical application, I can really recommend KDiff3 which is a wonderful merge tool. In your case, run

    kdiff3 -o output.txt m1 m2

    and you'll get

    kdiff3 screenshot

    For each merge conflict, press the A or B button to select which line to choose (or both). You are free to edit as you like in the bottom area.

    Update: If you want to just work in text mode in a terminal, setting up a temporarily git repository is super cheap. Learning to use git requires some effort, but it is doable. For your case, the following commands gets the work done:

    $ mkdir /tmp/test
    $ cd /tmp/test
    $ git init
    Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/test/.git/
    $ touch gitfile
    $ git add gitfile
    $ git commit -m "initial commit"
    [master (root-commit) 31efd12] initial commit
     0 files changed
     create mode 100644 gitfile
    $ git checkout -b m1-branch
    Switched to a new branch 'm1-branch'
    $ cat m1 >> gitfile
    $ git add gitfile
    $ git commit -m "m1 content"
    [m1-branch 420b423] m1 content
     1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
    $ git checkout -b m2-branch master
    Switched to a new branch 'm2-branch'
    $ cat m2 >> gitfile
    $ git add gitfile
    $ git commit -m "m2 content"
    [m2-branch c4c525a] m2 content
     1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
    $ git checkout master
    Switched to branch 'master'
    $ git merge m1-branch m2-branch
    Fast-forwarding to: m1-branch
    Trying simple merge with m2-branch
    Simple merge did not work, trying automatic merge.
    Auto-merging gitfile
    ERROR: content conflict in gitfile
    fatal: merge program failed
    Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
    $ cat gitfile
    hello there
    <<<<<<< .merge_file_qRmZJF
    my friend
    my chum
    >>>>>>> .merge_file_BUlXHH
    how are you