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API kitchen POSTing to drupal service

So I am using to debug an issue I am having with a drupal service.

I use: as the URL to test. Method is POST and add two parameters:

  1. username
  2. password

Set the username and password as whatever you like. It will return 401 Unauthorized: Wrong username or password. which is what you should get since you don't know the username or password

I saw they had a mac osx version of this and when I run the exact same thing in their desktop program I get a 406 - Not acceptable.

The reason I am testing in this is because an iPhone app I am working relies on the drupal services to login and I am getting the same thing running through the iPhone emulator.

Back to the API kitchen thing, it works through the browser, but not through their desktop program..makes me think it has something to do with content-type or port. What do you guys think?


  • I am the author of APIKitchen. I don't think there are any differences between the web and desktop version but if you can provide a sample url with parameters I can quickly look into it.