In cmd.exe, a certain command produces output in the form:
Asd foo content 1
Qwe bar content 1
Asd foo content 2
Qwe bar content 2
I would like to format it to instead produce:
foo content 1, bar content 1
foo content 2, bar content 2
How do I do that?
My guess is that a combination of "&" (parallel command), "|" (pipe), "findstr" and another command to cut out the relevant parts of a line can be used.
You should be able to pipe the results of your command into sed for Windows, but that would require a download of a non-native utility. The GnuWin project has a free version of sed.
Here is a native batch solution that doesn't require any download.
@echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('yourCommand') do (
set "ln=%%A"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "ln2=!ln:*foo =foo !"
if "!ln2!" neq "!ln!" (
<nul set /p "=!ln2!"
) else (
echo , !ln:*bar =bar !
The above will discard lines that begin with a ;
, and will also discard empty lines. Both limitations can be solved with extra code if needed.
The toggling of delayed expansion within the loop is done to preserve any !
character that might appear in the output. The result will be corrupted if the output contains !
and delayed expansion is enabled when the FOR variable is expanded.