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NotSupportedException raised during InvokeMember call

I'm using a .NET CF 3.5 to create a dll and invoke a public member of the DLL from the exe. The Dll code is given below :

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace DllPoc
    public class DllCheck
        public String ReturnString()
            return "Hello DLL";

and the exe code is:

public partial class Form1 : Form
    String _AppPath;
    String _AppImage;
    String _AppName;

    public Form1()

        Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom("\\test\\DllPoc.dll");
        Type type = assembly.GetType("DllPoc.DllCheck");
        var obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
        String s = (String)type.InvokeMember("RetrurnString",
                           BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Instance | 
                           BindingFlags.Public, null, obj, null);
        // Exit

On execution of the line:

String s = (String)type.InvokeMember("RetrurnString",
                            BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Instance | 
                            BindingFlags.Public, null, obj, null);

NotSupportedException is thrown.

Is this the correct procedure? Thanks.


  • From the docs for Type.InvokeMember, the Exceptions section:

    • NotSupportedException
      The .NET Compact Framework does not currently support this method.

    Seems pretty clear to me that it's not supported on .NET CF, which is what you're using.

    I really hope that RetrurnString wouldn't work anyway, and that you'd want ReturnString.

    You may have more luck fetching the method (Type.GetMethod) and then calling Invoke on the MethodInfo. I don't see the same restriction there...