I'm trying to integrate imageMagick onto my server but I'm having a hard time to get it to work with any php commands. I think it may be because of the previous server configurations I did and now I'm not sure what to do as this is my first time using a Snow Leopard Server.
Here is the line of code I am attempting to process:
$sCommand="/opt/local/bin/convert -geometry ".$neededWidth."x".$neededHeight." \"" .$image_path."\" \"".$newFile."\" ";
$vvv=exec( $sCommand, $exec_output, $exec_retval );
Here is a little historic on my last server updates just in case it may be of some relevance:
after noticing that the captcha images were not working I did some research on how to enable freetype. After install XCode, I recompiled PHP a few times with libPNG, libPNG (I say a few times because some of the instations failed at some times). I finally got it working and here is the results : http://tradeport.on.ca/phpinfo.php my GD section has everything I need.
I've attempted to integrate imageMagick using the files and instructions on their site, that didn't work. I tried installing homebrew and that just seems to complicate things.
Now I think I've got my wires crossed and think that there may be left over configurations of MacPorts, Homebrew and also some configurations from the native server admin application
I'm not expecting someone to cure this server but any information would be greatly apreciated.
Setting permissions correctly was the answer to this issue. Thanks to Orblings guidance and following careful instructions on how to set permissions for apache on this page :
How do I give Apache Access to folders on MAC OSx?
my imageMagick functions were operational.