I want to be able to let a user type in :
./script.sh server[01-10]type
I have got this already working and works with [a-z] or [0-99] or however high numerically it goes. Although really unsure if I have gone about it all the right way and if there are easier ways of doing the same thing.
Wanted to check if there was an easier way of doing something like this and how easy it would be to have multiple wild card inputs like:
./script.sh (server|web)[01-10][a-z]
where it would then parse for either web01-10a-z or server01-10a-z and list all servers.
Here is what I have so far and admit I need to tidy it up but was thinking let me get it working better before focusing on tidier code calls.
if [[ $input =~ \[ ]];then
host_start=`echo $input|awk -F"[" '{print $1}'`
host_end=`echo $input|awk -F"]" '{print $2}'`
start=`awk -v a="$input" -v b="$s" 'BEGIN{print index(a,b)}'`
fin=`awk -v a="$input" -v b="$f" 'BEGIN{print index(a,b)}'`
vals=`expr $fin - $start`
in1=`echo $input| awk -v s=$start -v f=$vals '{ print substr( $0, s($0),f($0) ) }'`
val1=`echo $in1|awk -F"\-" '{print $1}'`
val2=`echo $in1|awk -F"\-" '{print $2}'`
for index in $(eval echo {$val1..$val2})
echo "Current server: $server "
When I execute this I get:
./run.bash apache[9-11]
Current server: apache9
Current server: apache10
Current server: apache11
$ ./run.bash apache[f-k]
Current server: apachef
Current server: apacheg
Current server: apacheh
Current server: apachei
Current server: apachej
Current server: apachek
$ ./run.bash apache[f-k]abc
Current server: apachefabc
Current server: apachegabc
Current server: apachehabc
Current server: apacheiabc
Current server: apachejabc
Current server: apachekabc
3 lines does all of above and handles all types I wanted here is how:
value=`echo "$val"|sed 's:(:{:g; s:):}:g; s:|:,:g; s/^//;s/$//'`
value=`echo "$value"|sed 's:\[:{:g; s:\]:}:g; s:-:\.\.:g; s/^//;s/$//'`
(eval echo $value)
./test-brace.sh "(server|apache)[0-2][a-c]"
server0a server0b server0c server1a server1b server1c server2a server2b server2c apache0a apache0b apache0c apache1a apache1b apache1c apache2a apache2b apache2c
You don't need a script. You just need brace expansion:
echo {server,web}{01..10}{a..z}
for s in {server,web}{01..10}{a..z}; do
echo Current Server: $s