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How to insert, update or delete after DataReader.Read?

I have a project that needs to update database when I read from DataReader, it says that the DataReader is already opened on this connection that must be closed first.

Here is my code:


    conn = fOpenConnection()
    cmd = conn.CreateCommand
    queryjadi = "select *..."
    cmd = New MySqlCommand(queryjadi, conn)
    dbReader = cmd.ExecuteReader

    While dbReader.Read
        For Each lvi In lsvBOM.Items
            If dbReader("kode") = lvi.Text.ToString Then
                **'here i want to update my database**
            End If
    End While


    queryjadi = "SELECT * ... "

    cmd = New MySqlCommand(queryjadi, conn)
    dbReader = cmd.ExecuteReader

    For Each lvi In lsvBOM.Items
        status = False
        While dbReader.Read
            If dbReader("kode") = lvi.Text Then
                status = True
            End If
        End While
        If status = False Then
            'untuk insert
            **'here i want to insert into database**
        End If

   MessageBox.Show("Data sudah disimpan", "Informasi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)

Catch sqlEx As MySqlException

    fSQLError(sqlEx.Number, sqlEx.Message)

Catch ex As Exception

    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Kesalahan", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)


End Try

I know that I can't access database when I read from DataReader, how to fix it?


  • Normally, a connection only supports one concurrent operation; so if you want to use a single connection, a one approach is to buffer the data first (into a list or table of some kind), then iterate over the list in memory, using the connection to perform updates.

    Depending on the database vendor/version, you might be able to enable "MARS" (Multiple Active Result Sets) - this is a technology that enables multiple commands on the same connection. For example, on SQL Server this is activated by changing the connection string to include:


    A third option is to use two connections; one for the read operation, and one for the updates - however, note that this might hit issues with blocking (and possibly also deadlocking) between the connections.

    However, the fourth and most preferred option is: don't pull data over the network just to do an update. If possible, write a batch-based operation in SQL that performs the change directly without ever leaving the database, and just execute that SQL script.