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Nasm building a string

Hi i trying to make a loop in Nasm. I have the loop working but want to change the string when it loops and cant seem to get this to work.

I have this working:

        mov ebx,0               ; set ebx to 0 
       myloop:                  ;
       inc ebx                  ;
       mov [msg], 2Ah           ;  Immediate move * to msg
       mov eax, 2Ah             ;
       push ecx                ; save ecx as printf uses it
       push OFFSET msg         ; parameter used by printf
       call printf             ; print string msg
       add esp, 4              ; remove  pointer to msg
       pop ecx                 ; restore ecx
        cmp ebx,[len]           ;
         jl myloop                  ;


msg    db  "Hello, World+!", 0Ah, 0  ; 0A cariage return
                                     ; 0  end of string
star BYTE 2Ah ; 2A (hex) = Ascii *
len   equ $ - (msg +1)               ; length of string msg

and it outputs *ello, World! the right number of times but i want it to output this

*ello, World!
**llo, World!
***lo, World!
****o, World!

and so on.

Can anyone help me please.

I must also note that it is linked to a C library to use printf for out put.


  • I won't comment it

    SECTION .data
    msg     db  "Hello, World+!", 0Ah, 0  
    len     equ $ - msg - 2
    SECTION .text 
        xor     ebx, ebx
        mov     esi, msg
        push    esi
        call    printf
        add     esp, 4 
        mov     byte [esi + ebx], 2Ah
        push    esi
        call    printf
        add     esp, 4 
        inc     ebx
        cmp     ebx, len
        jne     .DoStar