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Build a Separate Java Class Hierarchy

Every other class in Java inherits from the Object class.

Is it possible to add a second, completely separate, class hierarchy in Java based around my own FastObject class?

My original goal in doing so was to create smaller, faster objects with less functionality specifically designed for certain algorithms. But let me be clear, I am not interested in whether or not this is a "good idea". I just want to know if it is possible; I have not been able to find a way to do so. Would it require a change to the JVM? New boot classpath functionality? Is the real solution to ignore Object and look at replacing java.lang.Class? Would using a direct Java compiler instead of a VM make my job any easier?

To be clear, I don't just want to edit the root Object class. That would require potentially re-writing the entire Java library. I don't want to replace the current hierarchy, I just want to create a separate one I can use in the same code.


  • No, this is not possible.

    All created classes extend another class, either explicitly or implicitly. If you create a class and explicitly define which class it extends, then it extends that class. If not, then it implicitly extends Object. There is no way around this, just as there is no way to overload operators or anything of that sort. It is a fundamental design decision of the Java programming language.

    All classes extend Object. The only things that don't are primitive types. The exception to this is Object itself, of course, which does not extend itself.