I'm running a wordpress blog with qtranslate. It's using 3 languages.
I created a custom Menu (price lists), which is saved to db using post_meta wp hooks.
I use simple logic to display list item, it worked perfectly when I was using only 1 language. But now that I added qtranslate I'm having problems.
Let me guide you through the resolution process so you better understand where I'm stuck!
So, I had this code:
if ( get_post_meta($post->ID, 'price_list_items_category1', true) ) :
$pricelistline = explode("\n", get_post_meta($post->ID, 'price_list_items_category2', true));
foreach($pricelistline as $value) {
$e = explode("|",$value);
echo "<li><p>" . $e[0] . " <span>" . $e[1] . "</span></p> <span class=\"listmenuprice\">" . $e[2] . "</span><div class=\"clearfloat\"></div><!-- Very Important --></li>\n";
print_r for $pricelistline was:
Array ( [0] => [:en]Rhine Riesling1|0,75 l|9,50 € [1] => [:ge]ჩიხირთმა|100გ|10ლ [2] => [:ru]шоколад|100грамм|10 L )
Obviously my script was displaying all three languages at the same time... To fix this I read about qtranslate, and discovered that by using _e() qtranslate would take over the situation and display correct language and block unwanted ones.
So modified code:
if ( get_post_meta($post->ID, 'price_list_items_category1', true) ) :
$pricelistline = explode("\n", get_post_meta($post->ID, 'price_list_items_category1', true));
foreach($pricelistline as $value) {
$e = explode("|",$value);
_e( "<li><p>" . $e[0] . " <span>" . $e[1] . "</span></p> <span class=\"listmenuprice\">" . $e[2] . "</span><div class=\"clearfloat\"></div><!-- Very Important --></li>\n");
Notice the difference here: _e( "<li><p>" . $e[0] . " <span>" . $e[1] . "</span></p> <span class=\"listmenuprice\">" . $e[2] . "</span><div class=\"clearfloat\"></div><!-- Very Important --></li>\n");
This seemed to have worked! as other language instances disappeared, so on English page I'd see only english version etc.
Problem is now I find some bogus html remaining when I view source.
HTML output looks like this now:
<ul class="listmenuitems" id="listingmenu_1">
<li><p>Rhine Riesling1 <span>0,75 l</span></p> <span class="listmenuprice">9,50 €
</span><div class="clearfloat"></div><!-- Very Important --></li>
notice: <li><p><li><p>
these are two opening elements of two remaining languages. My guess is something gets jammed in $e[1] on languages that are not displayed and this is why languages seem to work! but in reality there is some php error.
I did tail -f /var/log/apache2/error_log
but I don't see any php errors.
So what is going on here? can you please help? I just need to get rid of extra html elements. For the rest my modification seems to have worked!
Came out as a long post, but I hope I gave all the details.
Thanks for reading :)
array(3) { [0]=> string(37) "[:en]Rhine Riesling1|0,75 l|9,50 € " [1]=> string(43) "[:ge]ჩიხირთმა|100გ|10ლ " [2]=> string(38) "[:ru]шоколад|100грамм|10 L" }
I don't know how _e blocks out the other languages but it looks like it just drops when it finds a word in the wrong language, I suggest you do one of:
Variant 1: don't use foreach, but instead use fixed indexes for your array depending on language
Variant 2: check the first letters of the array yourself to see if it matches the correct language and if yes use the old echo instead.
Variant 3: find a function that just tells you if the language is the one you're looking for and echo the output depending on that condition
Update: looks like the function for Variant3 might be __
(that's two underscores I think)