I need to access a MySQL database on a remote server at my lab. The server is only accessible once I log in to a gateway server on the remote network:
local server => gateway server => MySQL server.
I can ssh to the gateway using port 24222.
I am using the PERL DBI module. This is what I use to connect when I am at the lab:
my $host="";
my $database="dbname";
my $user="user";
my $pw="pass";
my $table="table";
I imagine I have to set up a tunnel through the gateway server to the database server. How do I go about doing that? If the MySQL database were on the gateway, I could open a tunnel like so:
$ ssh -f user@gateway -L 3307: -N
How can I modify this to tunnel through the open port 24222 on the gateway through to the MySQL server on
Using @anttir's answer I got it to work as follows.
Set up the tunnel:
$ ssh -fN -p 24222 user1@ -L 3307:
Set up the script variables:
my $host="";
my $port = 3307;
With the command:
$ ssh -f user@gateway -L 3307: -N
This states that all connections to client localhost 3307 will be forwarded via the SSH tunnel to gateway and then connected to host to port 3306.
edit: If the SSH is on port 24222 then
$ ssh -f user@gateway -p 24222 -L 3307: -N