I have managed to get the enemy ai moving towards the player using this code (python and pyglet):
(dx, dy) = ((player.x - self.x)/math.sqrt((player.x - self.x) ** 2 +
(player.y - self.y) ** 2),(player.y - self.y)/math.sqrt((player.x - self.x)
** 2 + (player.y - self.y) ** 2))
newCoord = (self.x + dx * 3, self.y + dy * 3)
self.x,self.y = newCoord
However I am unsure of how to rotate the enemy sprite so they are facing the player. I am pretty sure that I could use some of the code above and rotate the player accordingly but I haven't been able to find a way that works.
The information you have is 2 legs of a right triangle, and you are trying to find the angle. So
math.tan(angle) == float(player.y - self.y) / (player.x - self.x)
angle == math.atan(float(player.y - self.y) / (player.x - self.x))
But this atan will lose sign information, and dividing may give you ZeroDivisionError
, which is exactly what math.atan2 is for:
angle = math.atan2(player.y - self.y, player.x - self.x)