I'm currently doing a project on Language translation where I'm converting an English text to Hindi. I'm trying to send the converted Hindi text to a mobile phone, but the message could not be displayed on my phone as there is no hindi font. But I have seen mobile network operators sending their promos in Hindi which my mobile reads like charm. I would like to know if there is any unicode or some other conversion of the text so that the hindi text will be displayed on my phone?
I also thought to start such program. I maintained the Unicode characters of all the hindi letters in a file.
2309 अआइईउऊऋएऐओऔअंअँअंअः
2325 कखगघङ
2330 चछजझञ
2335 टठडढण
2340 तथदधनऩ
2346 पफबभम
2351 यरऱलळऴव
2358 शषसह 2361
2364 च़चऽचाचि ---- -upto च॔ 2388
2392 क़ख़ग़ज़ड़ड़ढ़फ़य़ॠॡ 2401
2402 चॢचॣ। ॥ 2405
2406 ०१२३४५६७८९
I hope you are having 16-bit characters to store hindi characters.