I'm having a Wordpress website, and on main page, if visitor is here for the first time, a 'Subscribe to newsletter' modal appears. I'm having a problem that cookie is not being set via setcookie()
if($_COOKIE['rcngVisited'] != 'true')
echo do_shortcode('[modal name="Subscribe to newsletter" style=button color=default size=default][/modal]');
setcookie('rcngVisited','true', time()+60*60*24*30, '/readyclickandgo/');
You only set the cookie for readyclickandgo
Make sure you don't have any output before you set COOKIE
, add this in your header:
$visit = false;
if($_COOKIE['rcngVisited'] != 'true'){
setcookie('rcngVisited','true', time()+60*60*24*30, '/readyclickandgo/');
$visit = true;
Add this anywhere you want in same page:
echo do_shortcode('[modal name="Subscribe to newsletter" style=button color=default size=default][/modal]');