I'm working with shindig trying to get some OAuth1 gadgets working outside any container (using the gadgets/ifr thing).
I've been using the 'gadget testing container' and everything works just fine, which means every key is setted correctly on the oauth.json.
The problem begins when I try to display those same gadgets outside the container. I get this error:
OAuth error: UNKNOWN_PROBLEM: Could not fetch gadget spec
Original request:
GET stuff.json
Host: my.host
X-Shindig-AuthType: oauth
X-shindig-dos: on
The url I use is something like this:
I thing the problem here has some relation with the &st parameter (security token)...
For the record, if I use some already provided gagdet by shindig it works without any problems (those are OAuth2.0 though):
I've been searching this question and lots of people have this same problem but no answers. I think this could be the place they're looking for :D
Ok, for those who has my same problem, this is how I managed to fix it.
As you can see I was trying to render the widget through the basic ifr url. That's not how shindig works. It needs some javascript to render the content you need.
What did I do? I simply created a custom 'container', it receives an url param with the gadget xml's url and, through javascript, I render that gadget.
The javascript I'm using is the one wich comes in shindig (samplecontainer/samplecontainer.js) with basics modifications.
Hope this works... It's not easy though >.< Grettings!!1one