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Touches priority in cocos2d/cocos2d-x

I am trying to play around with touches in . I have question on the priority of the touches for example , When I use CCMenuItemSprite or CCControlButtonwhich are added on the Layer which has setTouchEnabled(true)

or even If I put a What I found is touch is not first given to ccTouchesBegan (...I mean Layer) instead it is taken by CCMenuItemSprite or CCCOntrolButton call backs .

Moreover , If I add an extra layer top on all the layers and setTouchEnable (True) same results I get touches are first given to menuitem and control button which after touch swallows the touches.

Is there any way by which we can change the priority of touches ? or Is there any way by which I can override CCControlButton or CCMEnuItemSprite ...ccTouchesBegan or moved after all I want the touch location of CCMenuItem or CControlButton otherwise I have to reconsider the CCSprite ?


  • overwrite your CCLayer's method

        CCTouchDispatcher::sharedDispatcher()->addTargetedDelegate(this, INT_MIN, true);