I'm trying to UrlFetch the RSS/Atom feed from my site's news page "posts" URL https://sites.google.com/a/mydomain/my-site/my-announcements-page/posts.xml. It works in the browser for me as a logged user.
I am wanting to to do a Urlfetch because it seems to be a super fast way to get a count of pages and dates (<2 seconds). Doing it via the SitesApp Pages iteration or search takes 5 to 25 seconds). The site is a tiny one with lightweight content and < 50 pages.
Anyway, so I want to UrlFetch my site's posts URL and I guess I need an OAuth scope and get a token.
I have tried the scope "https://sites.google.com/feeds/" from the gdata Sites API https://developers.google.com/google-apps/sites/docs/1.0/developers_guide_protocol#Auth and using it on the Oauth Playground 2.0 and it works for documented API feed urls but not for my site's posts.xml URL. I get a 401 "Token invalid - AuthSub token has wrong scope" when I try to access that in the playground.
So my question is: Is it possible to use Urlfetch with an oauth token to access the pages's posts.xml? What OAuth scope do I use to get the token?
Just to close off this question. I didn't find a way to access the pages's posts.xml via a urlfetch. Instead, I created my own ContentService function to return as text the number of the page's children published since a particular time via myAnnouncementsPage.getChildren()