In Magento, the following code will programmatically add an image a product's image gallery
//set store to admin id so we can save a product
//load a product with an id of 2514
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load('2514');
//add the image
This, as expected, will add an image to a product's media gallery, and this image will be selected as the product's "Base Image". However, the "small_image" and "thumbnail" images will not be selected for this image.
If the following code is used
Magento will add three new images to the media gallery. One with Base Image selected, one with Small Image selected, and a third with thumbnail.
Is it possible to signal Magento that when you call
that it should automatically generate the small image and the thumbnail image?
Try with:
$product->addImageToMediaGallery('/tmp/test.png',array('image', 'small_image', 'thumbnail'),false,false);