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Parsing SQL Query and pull out column name and Table name

I have a Query Script like this:

SELECT View1.OrderDate,View1.Email,SUM(View1.TotalPayments) FROM dbo.View1
WHERE (View1.OrderStatus = 'Completed') 
GROUP BY View1.OrderDate,View1.Email
(SUM(View1.TotalPayments) > 75);

Is there any approach that we can pull some key information out from SQL query? such as table name and column name ,I have 2 question:

  1. I did search I found some parser such as ANTLR , but I could not find documentation that explain the using of this parser in C# language.
  2. Is there any way we can use Entity Frame Work to parsing sql query? My queries are fully dynamic and they are created at run time


  • I think the best answer is going to be to use the Irony parser:

    Hanselman has a great link to how to use it to parse SQL:

    I hope this helps, and best of luck!